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sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2014

Creativ conservator


A conservator with creating abilities, is not a real, real one. So, here you have the prove that I 'm creative !

                              Leather and metal

                           Paper beads by me self

Paper Conservation. Nanotechnology

The restoration department of books and documents of the Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) is studying nanoparticles and chemical gels in the context of a vast European research project (Nano for Art) which has a trajectory of three years. This investigation seems to open the door to much more effective future working methods, easier and safer. And at last newest technology is applied to paper restoration, and not only painting or sculpture (with all my love for these two!). The greater porosity of cellulose and graphic supports in general (compared to stone or painting layers) shows the different needs of our discipline, which may not always benefit from technological advances on paintings and sculptures. At the documents and books department of IPCE they study these specificities to implement them on documentary heritage.


Nanoparticles are those of nano magnitude (10-9) i.e. sooooooooo very small particles. The same mass of any “nano” product has globally greater surface than the same amount of the regular product, in which particles are larger but less numerous. This makes nanoparticles more reactive, as there is more contact surface and fewer unreacted product. Then with fewer amount, we get the same effect that could be obtained with the same product with higher scale particles. In practice, and greatly simplifying the talk that gave us Emma Sanchez at the Institute, the main advantages of nanoparticles are: An equivalent concentration of the same chemical (calcium hydroxide, for example) penetrates much more easily among the paper fibres so that the chemical not only interacts more homogeneous and thorough with them, but lowers the probability of creating whitish areas on the paper surface, or may just not take place at all. And that is especially interesting in its application to deacidification, which often blurs the intensity of black or brown inks. But, above all, because the further the product penetrates into the document, the more complete is the deacidifying effect. When the particle diameter is smaller, it fits in narrower spaces among the fibre weft and so its effect is deeper throughout the paper.
Solution of calcium hydroxide that never precipitatesI am struck by a solution of calcium hydroxide in water that rather than staying in the bottom of the bottle as a sediment, remains permanently as a homogeneous aqueous dispersion, never precipitating. Emma also tells us how this research has opened her eyes about the deacidification process, as we usually apply it without much variations, but there are really lots of variables that should be considered: the natural recess suffered by the initial pH increase after a few days, the thickness and type of paper, among many others.

Chemical semi-interpenetrated (IPN) hydrogels

 Emma can I apply chemical gels when I get to my studio? If the benefits of nanotechnology have immediately convinced me, the promising chances of chemical gels leave me speechless: I want to apply them NOW! When will we be able to buy them, Emma? That will still take a long way… she says, but studies are certainly very promising. Physical gels are formed by a thickener (agar, Klucel, Carbopol, Methylcellulose… the ones we know) and a vehicle (water or any other solvent, or mixture of them). The grid is formed by monomers or polymers linked to the vehicle by weak bonds.
    • Physical gel =     Thickener + vehicle (weak bonds)
    • Chemical gel =    Semi-interpenetrated grid (covalent bonds)
Chemical gels differ from physical on the bonding, which is covalent type. Covalent bonds are much stronger than the hydrogen ones. They are not fazed by pH or temperature changes nor other conditioning to which physical gels are subdued.  “Inter-penetrated” because there are two independent polymer reticulum (hence semi) but intertwined. One is formed by the vehicle (same as physical gels), and the second one is synthesized by the solvent in presence of the first.  IPCE. Instituo Cultural Heritage of Spain And what does this mean? First of all that we can work with them in a wide variety of conditions, but, the most interesting to me is that it doesn’t wet. Water retained (when this is the vehicle, that could be other: ethanol, acetone, isooctane…) does not escape from the mesh of the gel: stays there. The concentration is stable because of the strong covalent bonding, and does not migrate to the support in which it is applyed. Can you imagine? At last real possibility to apply a gel on a gouache, parchment manuscript or even an illuminated capital letter? Possibilities are endless! Because, let’s be honest, doing this with physical gels carries important risks, as part of the vehicle can wet the support, even when working extremely carefully. But that isn’t so with chemical hydrogels: they moisture the substrate such that the hydrophilic dirt migrates to the gel, but without thereby creating damp stains, since the vehicle is always retained in the gel. The example they show us on a parchment is clearly effective, because the action of the gel does not exceed an inch on the area in which it was applied.
We can  IPCE. Instituo Cultural Heritage of Spain can give it the exact desired shape with absolute certainty that it will only act there. Just as humectant method it is already extremely useful: A wrinkled parchment has been completely hydrated remaining dry to touch. And let’s not limit to water: I’m dying to apply it in scotch tapes and greasy stains without all the trappings… Hopefully the project continues delving into the paper section and soon we will be able to use them!
Dedicated to Emma to whom I am so thankful for the fantastic visit to the ICP and the wonderful explanations of nanotechnology and hydrogels.

marți, 10 iunie 2014



About restoration in Oradea city.

One Day in Oradea (RO)

Video - The new discovered tomb. http://www.elmundo.es/ciencia/2014/06


Luxor. New tomb

a NEW tomb found in Dra Abu El Naga !

Shop manager and sales at Karla Mertens Juwelier
The discovered tomb is for a member of the royal family or a high official of the 11th Dynasty and consists of a well carved square burial chamber which is still being excavated and cleaned.

duminică, 8 iunie 2014

Metal Conservation. Spectacle?

 Cine crede că restaurarea este doar un spetacol, se înşeală. 

Este vorba despre:
- a şti ce a provocat degradarea şi cât de avansată este
- cum şi mai ales, cât trebuie intervenit
- intervenţii de curăţiri mecanice şi chimice
- documentare
- responsabilitate.
Spectacolul este doar recompensa sporadică a unei activităţi tenace şi de cele mai multe ori anonime.

 To conserve an artefact it is not only spectacle.
It is about knowledges and responsabilitate, the spectacle being a rarity, a recompense.

Celt acoperit cu produşi de coroziune pulverulenţi
Celt conservat

Obiectul şi produşii de coroziune, sol îndepărtaţi deja.

În timpul curăţirilor mecanice
Obiectul conservat alături de un fragment de pinten cu acelaşi istoric
Obiect de fier mineralizat a cărei formă şi utilitate a fost elibrată de sub produşii de coroziune ce pot fi văzuţi în fotografii. 

Cerveteri's Etruscan city of dead set to wow visitors - English www.ansa.it

Cerveteri's Etruscan city of dead set to wow visitors - English
UNESCO world heritage site the Etruscan Necropolis of Banditaccia at Cerveteri north of Rome is gearing to amaze...

vineri, 6 iunie 2014

Oradea Fortress. Reabilitation

                  Cetatea Oradea. Palatul Princiar. Corpul B

 A XLVIII-a sesiune naţională de rapoarte arheologice   -   se desfăşoară în Cetatea Oradea

Coridor, etaj II
În aşteptare

Primirea oaspeţilor

Aspecte de la Secţiunea greco-romană

Oradea Fortress hosted the National conference of archaeological diggings.

 Lucrări de reabilitare în desfăşurare

Cultural Heritage in Danger

"World Heritage sites should guarantee transparency and anti-corruption measures should be presented together with the nomination files. The “sites of outstanding value for humanity” endangered by corruption should be listed as heritage in danger. These days the corrupt network in Venice is headline of the world newspapers. “Stakeholders” (mainly politicians and civil servants) distributed among them more than 20 Million Euro of public investments dedicated for the protection of the cultural and natural Heritage of Venice and its Lagoon. The World Heritage Committee in Doha, Qatar next week has the opportunity to act! See the international media today: http://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2014/06/04/foto/mose_scandalo_tangenti_a_venezia_la_notizia_sui_siti_stranieri-88031822/1/?ref=HREA-1#5"
 (preluare de pe LinkedIn, UNESCO's friends)

duminică, 1 iunie 2014

Blue flowers

  The blue of my garden. 

 Catalogul Salonulului de conservare din Slovenia.  Liubliana, 6.05.2014


Prezenţa românească (în ordine alfabetică):

Ghinea Maria Cătălina (şi Niculescu Geo)
Gheorghe Simona Violeta
Ilie Aurora-Florentina
Mureşan Olimpia
Sidoriuc Eugenia ( şi Todasca Elena)
Ştirban Alexandru

Conservation. Exhibition. Slovenia

 Aspects from the Slovenian conservators exhibition. Liubliana, 6.05.2014

The Romanian A.C.R.RO. conservators-restorers were present by their posters.

Thanks, dear colleagues from Slovenia

Metal and booking

Broderia de argint pe piele "suede". 1660-1700. Silver embroidered suede bookbinding, made in the Netherlands, 1668-1700

Nuremberg, 1494
Book binding silver pierced. Netherlands, circa 1680

Biblie carolingiană. Apreciată a fi din preajma anului 870 !Cover of the famous Carolingian Gospel Codex Aureus of Sankt Emmeram. Made in ca. 870 at the Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Bald. Emperor Charles the Bald donated it to Arnulf of Carinthia who donated it to the Sankt Emmeram Abbey.
Manuscris armean cu accesorii metalice deosebite

The Gospels of Henry the Lion: Produced sometime between 1175 and 1188, this book is considered a masterpiece of Romanesque book illumination of that time. It was bought by a German national group at a Sotheby's auction in 1983 for $12.4 million dollars
1471, Nuremberg

A French enamelled book-cover plaque portraying Christ in Majesty, made in Limoges, c.1185–1210
Ustensile pentru aurire
Early Medieval Ireland

Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau
 Elemente decorative (şi doar atât) din metal pe coperţi. Imaginile sunt luate de pe site-ul "Eden.Workshops".

Metal and bindings. images from "Eden.Workshpos" site.