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vineri, 3 ianuarie 2014

2013 profesional.Publicaţie.

Despre un limbaj riguros în cercetarea artefactelor din metal

Artifacts have became subjects of interdisciplinar researches. So archaeologists  must know the meaning of a lot of terms from natural sciences/chemistry. The article presents the meaning of several most used term in the corrosion of the metal: biodegradation, conservation, corrosion, oridinar surface, oxidation, patina, nobila patina, restoration. Is important to have a comun meaning of terms of chemistry for the archaeologist-conservator-restorer.
 Keywords: biodegradation, corrosion, oxidation, patina, nobila patina, restoration, originar suprface.

Articolul este în limba română şi face parte din volumul special "In Memoriam Liviu Măruia". Lansarea a avut loc în data de 7.12.2013.
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